Thursday, 5 September 2019

Polyfest learning story

‘’Get up, get up” said Miss Jenni

Yesterday night there was a big performance at hosanna church everyone had
to be at hosanna church by 5:00pm. When we got there, I was worried that I
wouldn’t get the moves right for our sasa. But when people said, ‘’Nash is not
here,” I got very nervous because I thought that we will be going on stage right
now. But we were just practicing on the spot. So when the junior Moari finished
their performance, it was our turn to do what we can do on the stage.Then when
Helen led the song I felt confidence because my family was there to support me
and my siblings on stage that night. After our performance we had to get change
if we are in kapa haka so then a few moments later Miss Jenni came and get me
so I could get change for kapa haka.Then after kapa haka we sang we stand up
stand tall to all of the people who were sitting down. After all that performance
my parents were so shocked by me performing in kapa haka because they
thought I wasn’t in kapa haka. When I was on stage performing for kapa haka
I was so scared that I would get in trouble from my parents because I told them
I wasn’t gonna perform on stage for kapa haka.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

My Maths Fraction Video

Procedural Writing learning story

We have been learning to describe a process.
When I write, I need to think about the ideas, structure & language, organization, vocabulary, sentences, spelling and punctuation I use.  

Structure and Language
Sentence Structure
-write using a range of ideas, experiences or items of information
-confidently shape my ideas for effect
-create content that is concise and relevant to the curriculum task
-support my ideas with precise detail
-uses ‘show not tell’ when appropriate
-deliberately choose a clear, controlled and logical text structure to suit the audience and purpose
-show creativity and innovation when creating texts for my audience
-choose appropriate adjective, verbs, nouns and adverbs.
-write in structured, well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within the text
-use linking words and phrases to link paragraphs for effect
-Use a bullet point or number to separate the different steps
-maintain audience interest through content, humour and language choices
-use language that is suitable to the topic and purpose, and discuss these choices with others
-deliberately use written and visual language features when appropriate to enhance my writing; e.g similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, rhetorical question and diagrams
-use a range of precise vocabulary to communicate meaning
-use a variety of sentence structures, beginnings and lengths to give effect
-use complex sentences that are grammatically correct
-use some conjunctions correctly eg: FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
-use some complex sentences
-write all basic sound and spelling patterns and use spelling rules to write unknown words
-spell words correctly by drawing on knowledge of how words work
-use all basic punctuation independently
-attempt more complex punctuation (eg semicolons, colons, parentheses).

Here is a piece of writing I did this term.  

I was writing to describe the process that enables a lightbulb to turn on.  Notice how I used feedback to improve my work.

Start writing here:How to make a light bulb work. Is that you will need electricity, so the electricity forms to the light to make the light have energy. energy makes things move like a robot and also do stuff.  
In a light bulb, you will need to have a battery and the battery is called the power source.That's where the electricity comes from and also in a light bulb there's no gaps like a train.

Buddy Feedback: you need to put a comma in the first line where the Electricity- Ebony

Teacher Feedback:  Abigail, you have some key words like electricity, light, energy, lightbulb, battery.  You have got capitals in the middle of your sentences. Don’t start a sentence with a contraction like ‘also’.  Where are your paragraphs?

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Mindfulness Learning Story

In Room 4, we’ve been learning to be

Being mindful is helpful for me because when
I have crazy things going around my head it
blows it away.

There are different ways to do mindfulness.
 We can do mindful moving, mindful eating or
mindful breathing.  

The best way for me to do mindfulness is
mindful breathing because when I come inside
from playing, mindfulness breathing helps me
to get my breathing to slow down.    

This is because mindful breathing because
it connects me with my breath.

On this page of free resources, I recommend you try the Mindfulness Breathing because it will help you to get your heartbeat slowing down.  

Thinking about Justice and Injustice

In Room 4, we’ve been thinking about things that are just and unjust.

We’ve been reading a book called ‘Dawn Raids’ by Pauline Smith.

We’ve been thinking about what is just or unjust in the story.

I think it was fair when the grandma smacked the policeman with
her jandal because the policeman took her boys to jail for nothing.

I think it was unfair when the boys went to jail for nothing,
but I think they went to jail because one of them tried to punch
the policeman in the face.  Then the uncle tried stopping the boy
from punching the policeman in the face.

We’ve also been learning about the treaty of Waitangi.  
We’ve been finding out about promises that were broken.

I think it was fair when Maori tried to fight the Settlers,Whalers,Pakeha
and other people so that the other people wouldn’t steal Maori land.

I think it was unfair when George Gray tried to get the Maoris land
because he already made an a geetmeant to not take the land.


I was able to make some connections between these things and my life.  

In my life, it’s fair when I take turns being the goalie in ole soccer
because the other people in your team might have good skills to
protect the goal from the other team  getting a point.

In my life it’s unfair when my second older sister get to have new
shoes when I don’t have new shoes. I tried to ask my parents if I
can have new shoes so they said I could have new shoes next week.

When that unfair thing happened, I tried to get over it and  it worked.
When I got over it I went and play with my dog outside and then after
I played with my dog I felt calm.

swimming Learning Story

Swimming Learning Story

I have been learning swimming at Cannons Creek Pool.

In swimming, I’m really good at running to the other end without falling
into the water.  

I’ve been learning to not kick with bendy legs because it will make you
sink and slow down.

Something I’d still like to learn freestyle because it helps me to learn backstroke.  

Photos of me:

Monday, 13 May 2019

padlet learning story

We have been learning about a new tool to show our learning.  Our tool was a padlet. You can make arrows that connect ideas or pieces of information.  You can add pictures to show your idea or information.

We have used a padlet to communicate our ideas about the stories we've learnt about Porirua.  We've been thinking about how knowing our past helps us prepare for our future.

I made some connections on my padlet.  

I connected Auckland to Te Rauparaha  because that's where Te Rauparaha went to go to jail.

I connected Te Raupaha to TeRongo because te Rauparaha is a father to TeRongo.

I connected myself to Battle hill because I’ve been there and also to Porirua because I live here and I was born here too.


Thursday, 11 April 2019

My Choice of Learning

I am going to tell you about polyclub.

When the girls go down to the hall for polyclub, first we get into our lines
so that we can start dancing. But it so challenging for me because it is so
hard to learn different moves and songs but when I keep on learning them
at home then I will get used to it. I get scared because every time when Pina
turns off the music I think that I’m getting a growling but it is the older kids
because they aren't doing what they’re supposed to do. I
feel proud of myself when I get the moves right. I go down to the hall for
polyclub because I like to represent my culture to my family.

Add/sub learning story

Abigail’s Maths learning Story
The Problem:  
Ajay’s Parent’s Wedding

At Ajay’s parent’s wedding on the weekend 99 people were invited to the wedding.  

48 extra people showed up.  
How many people were there?

What different ways can you solve this problem?

How we solved the problem:
Then I did 99+48 and then I split the 48 into 1 and 47.
Then I did 99+1=100 and then 100+47=147.

Finally I found the answer and the answer was 147 people that was at Ajay parent’s wedding

Working as a group is important:  Choose 2 to write about
I am good at….  because….
I am getting better at ….. because …..
It’s hard for me …… because …...
I need to work on  because….

I’m getting better at telling ideas to my group so they can understand when I’m talking about the problem.  

I need to work on sharing the pen and getting in a four square so that our group is ready for working together.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019


Image result for castell people tower

Room 4 is learning to work as a team we researched people
working as a team. We learnt about orchestras, Tivaevae,
ubuntu, inati and castell. Today I’m going to tell you about

In a castell there jobs are to make sure they get all of their
people so that if the people at the top fall and then the people
at the bottom can hold them. Also their  jobs are to have good
grip, good climbing skills and good everything. If you’re on the
bottom you need to lay your hands on the other people so the
person at the top, if they fall, you can catch them.  If you stop,
they might get injured.

There skills are to make sure they don’t fall because if they
fall and the people at the bottom are not ready then someone
is gonna get injured. They have to put their hands straight.  
They have to hold on until the top person comes down.
You can’t give up. You always have to try your best.

If Room 4 could be like the castell we would need to try our
best because in maths we share ideas to other people so they
can understand. If they don’t understand, we can try to explain
it in another way until they understand. And in P.E we try our
in high jump
and we also learned how to do sprinting.  

Now you know what I’ve been working on this term.I hope you
were interesting of my learning and maybe now you will also be
better at working in a team like a castell.        


Monday, 8 April 2019

Reading Video

play Reflection

Hall, puppets.

When it was play time, me and my friends wandered down to the hall because it was on a raining day so then we went and played hockey or do something else but then we went back up because it was too boring down there. So then we went in room 4 and made puppets that we can do on the light spot. And then Miss Jenni or Trish came and took a photo so that she could remember it.

In room 4 I came and did some sketching with Ti but then when I came I heard that she was practicing how to speak in Samoan so then I helped her to practice what she was stuck on. She was saying the numbers but when she was practicing Rougan was trying to draw Teana while he was sketching.